Wish I could find the time to do my trip report. Sounds like a lame excuse, but I am still playing catch up since our Spring visit. I do have some interesting things to show for the last trip, and some new ideas for my Eleuthera site, but I don't want to give them away quite yet.

I spent a very short amount of time at Haynes library this last trip and have some work to share from that session. I love the architecture of the place. Visiting Haynes and the fine people there, along with seeing some of the older structures on the peninsula that is downtown Governor's Harbour, is most delightful. For those planning on a trip to Eleuthera, be sure to put Haynes Library on your "must see" list.
Oh yeah... Almost forgot. Don't let the old style of the building fool you. Haynes has broadband internet access available in case you want to hop on the net and check your email.
Copyright © 2006 Perry Joseph